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The importance of machine learning in your digital marketing strategy



Although the future effects of machine learning for digital marketers are not yet fully foreseeable, they are already having an impact on the digital marketing landscape. Machine Learning Tools are able to analyze extremely large amounts of data and provide understandable analysis or results that marketing teams can use to their advantage. Companies that already use ML tools have more time to focus on other areas and use the knowledge gained to their advantage.

The way machine learning is used in digital marketing practices helps to broaden the understanding of their target consumers and to foster and enhance the interaction with them.

In 2017, IDC Future Scapes estimated that 75% of the development teams used some types of AI features in at least one service or application. In addition, according to Gartner, by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be conducted without human intervention.

Regardless of the expectations of the experts, ML tools are not meant to take over the role of digital marketers but are primarily used to improve digital marketing strategies and significantly facilitate the work of digital marketers. By using machine learning, you can optimize your digital strategy and prepare for an AI and ML-dependent future.

Machine learning in digital marketing

Machine learning is already being implemented in digital marketing departments around the world. Implications include using data, content, and online channels to increase productivity and better understand the target audience.

But how exactly are ML tools used today in digital marketing strategies?

The experts at Smart Insights have put together a few examples of how machine learning can feed into your digital strategy:

Content marketing

In recent years, digital marketers, bloggers, and businesses of all sizes have begun to create the content of all kinds to appeal to their audiences. Whether informative blog posts, customer testimonial videos or recorded webinars – content is everywhere online.

Link Building

Link building defines the three most important things that make content really effective:

Target group relevance – 58%

Engaging and Captivating Storytelling – 57%

The ability to trigger an action or answer – 54%

ML tools can make a valuable contribution to helping digital marketers better understand and understand this data. By tracking consumer trends and generating actionable insights, ML tools can streamline your tasks to drive more leads with your content.

Pay-per-click campaigns

Gone are the days when marketers are trying to analyze records to measure the effectiveness of pay-per-click campaigns (PPCs). Using ML tools, you can enhance your PPC campaigns by providing information that supports:

The metrics you need to move your business forward

How to make better strategic decisions based on the top performance drivers

Overcome obstacles that prevent the company from achieving its PPC goals

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is still a major player in a well-rounded digital strategy. However, as SEO algorithms change across major search platforms, searchable content insights can become more relevant than specific keywords in the search process thanks to AI and ML tools.

To ensure that your websites and online resources retain their high rank on search engine results pages, you should consider not only the keywords but also the quality of your content. This puts you ahead of the competition when it comes to future-oriented content creation and SEO.

Content Management

To increase brand awareness and engagement, digital marketers need to build meaningful relationships with prospects and customers. As you try to optimize your dialogue and develop engagement across multiple online platforms, ML tools can be very helpful in analyzing what types of content, keywords, and phrases are most relevant to your desired audience.


How do intelligent chatbots affect digital marketing?

In short, a chatbot is a virtual robot that can engage in conversations with people either through text, voice commands, or both. Many major brands have already integrated chatbots into their interface, including Apple’s Siri. Siri and similar chatbots can perform searches, answer inquiries and even tell when the next bus is leaving.

Facebook has already implemented tools that make it easy to develop chatbots for brands promoting their own platform.

From the perspective of digital marketing, chatbots can help you engage with your personal target groups. Chatbots with Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities can even engage in a human-like conversation, greatly enhancing the customer experience. In addition, chatbots allow users to gather information about specific users, including personal information such as location and preferences for specific products.

The future of machine learning in your digital marketing strategy

To get started with the machine learning process for your digital marketing strategy, digital marketers can start in a number of areas. For example, ML techniques can help solve a variety of complex problems, such as processing large amounts of data and creating personalized content flows for users.

ML tools and chatbots enable future-oriented market research that is much faster than a person could ever do while developing meaningful, personalized relationships with participating users.

For the modern marketing team, ML techniques enable foresighted knowledge to be generated. Using this data analytics capability (predictive analytics), your team can leverage machine learning to engage with targeted prospects at multiple points of contact along the sales funnel.

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To streamline processes and increase productivity, digital marketers – both present and future – must start using ML tools to automate processes and make the most effective use of data.

Digital marketing is an industry that is ripe for new opportunities and challenges. If the goal of digital marketers is to increase engagement and brand awareness with leads, it’s important that they understand their customers. ML does not replace existing digital marketing jobs. Rather, it will help expand the capabilities of the modern digital marketer by providing a foundation that allows them to reach their full potential.

On the way to the digital future, machines and people will work together to take marketing initiatives to the next level. Marketing products or services will not be tireless campaigns to create, curate and share quality information. Instead, digital marketers will be able to spread brand awareness more efficiently and personally than ever before.

Use the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to elevate the abilities of you and your marketing team to a higher level, and start creating a future-oriented impact that promotes engagement and meaningful relationship development.

AISOMA - AI in Marketing
AISOMA – AI in Marketing


Further reading: